
Bahricks aims were to to investigate the duration of Very-Long-Term-Memory (VLTM), to see if memories can last several decades, to test VLTM in a way that showed external validity. His procedure; an opportunity sample of 392 American ex-High-School students aged between 17 and 74 was used. The time since leaving High School was up to […]

jacobs study

The Jacobs study was conducted during 1887, participants simply were given lists of either words or numbers to read and they would then have to recall the letters/numbers immediately after they were taken away, the participants were to recall the numbers/letters in order that they saw. Overtime Jacobs gradually increased the length of these digits […]


Psychodynamic; Psychodynamic basically describes your behaviour and the reasons to why you behave the way you do. Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychodynamics; his approach was based on his experiences. He came up with the technique with he named ‘free association’. It required a patient to relax and report everything that comes to mind […]


Evolutionary; Evolutionary psychology is an approach in the social and natural sciences. It examines psychological traits such as memory, perception and language from a recent evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary psychology has generated substantial disagreement and criticism. It recognizes which human psychological traits are adapted and what aren’t. Evolutionary psychologists believe that human behaviour is adapted by […]


Cognitive; Cognitive psychology is basically exploring internal mental processes. It is also the way we as people perceive, think, remember, speak and solve problems. For example; meeting someone for the first time, it becomes a memory. Cognitive psychology agree to take use of scientific methods and it openly acknowledges the existence of internal mental states, […]


Biological; Biological psychology is also known as behavioural neuroscience. It is simply the study of genetic and development of human behaviour and also in animals. It investigates on the levels of nerves, neurotransmitters, brain circuitry and the process which underlie normal and abnormal behaviour. Experiments in biological psychology normally involve animals, particularly rats and mice, […]


Behaviourism; Behaviourism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are developed through conditioning. Abnormal behaviour is learned through experience. Conditioning happens by interaction with the environment. There are two types of conditioning; classical and operant. Classical conditions explain how phobias are developed. It is the technique used in behavioural training […]