assignment seven

Experimental methods; research which is done in a laboratory, the investigator will have full control over the testing, this is so it will become easier to understand the process.
Non-experimental methods; a researcher will show a possible effect on a subject after a real life situation. The investigator has no control over this. The investigator would have a range of more truthul answers.
The issues of using self-report methods in psychology; self report includes things such as interviews and questionnaires. It gives a very direct view. However it may not always be honesty, subject could simply lie. Answers could be bias and not understanding.
Experimental designs; A type of research design in which the conditions of a program or experience (treatment) are controlled by the researcher and in which experimental subjects are randomly assigned to treatment conditions.
Pilot studies; a small scale preliminary study conducted before the main research in order to check the feasibility or to improve the design of the research. Pilot studies therefore may not be appropriate for case studies.
Learning theory of attachment; infants learn to be attached to their primary caregiver through classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning meansbefore attachment is learned, the infant gains pleasure through being fed. Operant condition means when an infant is hungry it is in an uncomfortable state. Relieving the uncomfortable state will make the infant more comfortable, and so anything it does to make itself more comfortable will be learned through negative reinforcement. Dollard & Miller (1950) used the term secondary drive hypothesis to describe the processes of learning an attachment through operant and classical conditioning. Secondary drive hypothesis explains how primary drives which are essential for survival, such as eating when hungry, become associated with secondary drives such as emotional closeness. They extended the theory to explain that attachment is a two way process that the caregiver must also learn, and this occurs through negative reinforcement when the caregiver feels pleasure because the infant is no longer distressed.

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